Postgraduate Studies - Riyadh Elm University

Upcoming Events

  • 22 Sep
    National Day
    22 Sep 2024
  • 17 Oct
    Long Weekend Vacation
    17 Oct 2024
  • 07 Nov
    Autumn Vacation (by the end of work)
    7 Nov 2024
  • 17 Nov
    Classes Resume
    17 Nov 2024

The University in its Mission, Vision، and Goals envisaged postgraduate education as a major contribution to higher education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Postgraduate programs include residency programs, graduate Programs (Master’s degree and clinical training), higher diploma, and continuing education programs  in different dental and pharmacy specialties.

Approval for a master’s degree program and clinical training certificate in dental specialties was given by the Ministry of Education in 2008. It was also in 2008 that the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties (SCFHS) approved the university as a training center for Saudi Specialties Certificate (Saudi Board) programs.

Postgraduate programs are overseen by the Deanship of Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research and the Permanent Committee for Postgraduate Studies. For Saudi Specialty Certificate Programs (SSC), Institutional Training Committee headed by the Designated Institutional official oversees SSC programs.

Our Mission

Specialized postgraduate education and training with strong research activities and outcome, and unparalleled treatment provider with contribution to community.

Our Vision

To become a leading provider of postgraduate education locally, regionally, and internationally.

  • Graduate specialized professionals and practitioners.
  • Provide service to the community through treatment and campaigns
  • Contribute to science through scientific research.
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