Saudi Specialty Certificate (Saudi Board) Programs - Riyadh Elm University

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Riyadh Elm University as an accredited independent training center by the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties offers six Saudi Board Programs:

Saudi Specialty Certificate in Restorative Dentistry Program

(SSC-(Dent) Resto) Former (SBARD)

The Saudi Specialty Certificate in Restorative Dentistry [SSC-(Dent) Resto] former SBARD is an advanced education program in restorative dentistry started October 1999 designed to provide didactic, clinical and hospital training to upgrade the level of dental profession in Saudi Arabia. The instruction and experience provided in SBARD prepare residents to be highly qualified restorative dentists who are able to treat complex restorative cases of the following disciplines; Restorative dentistry, Endodontics and Fixed Prosthodontics.

Saudi Specialty Certificate in Prosthodontics Program

SSC-Dent (Prosth)

The Saudi Specialty Certificate in Prosthodontics (SSC-Dent (Prosth) program is a four-year training program that offers didactic, clinical and laboratory training in the field of prosthodontics. As the adult population in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia increases, there will be a proportional increase in need for high quality trained Prosthodontists becomes evident. Graduates of the Saudi Specialty Certificate in Prosthodontics (SSC-Dent (Prosth) program will contribute in providing such optimal prosthodontic care.

Saudi Specialty Certificate in Endodontic Program

SSC-Dent (Endo)

The Saudi Specialty Certificate in Endodontics [SSC-(Dent) Endo] is the branch of dentistry, which is concerned with the morphology, physiology, and pathology of the human dental pulp and periradicular tissues. Its studies and practice encompass the basic clinical sciences, including biology of the normal pulp, the etiology, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases and injuries of the pulp and associated periradicular conditions. The program extends for four years and it has been designed to satisfy the needs for those who wish to acquire greater skill, knowledge, and experience in clinical Endodontics, as well as a background in biological sciences. The program includes participation in formal lectures, seminars, book and literature reviews.

Saudi Specialty Certificate in Periodontics Program

SSC-Dent (Perio)

The Saudi Specialty Certificate in Periodontics [SSC-Dent (Perio)] Program is a four year program designed to satisfy the needs of those who wish to acquire high skills, knowledge and experience in clinical Periodontics, as well as a background in biological sciences. Significant training will be given in impantology, periodontal plastic surgery, oral reconstructive surgery, and periodontal medicine. Educational objectives are accomplished through lectures, seminars, case presentation, conferences and clinical practice.

Saudi Specialty Certificate Program in Orthodontics


The Saudi Specialty Certificate Program in Orthodontics (SSCPO) is a 4-year clinical training program in the field of orthodontics approved by the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties (SCHS). Candidates who are accepted into the program undergo intensive didactic and clinical orthodontic training.

The Saudi Specialty Certificate in Pediatric Dentistry Program

SSC-Dent (PD)

The Saudi Specialty Certificate in Pediatric Dentistry is a four years program designed to meet the educational standards of the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties. Upon completion of the program, the resident receives a Saudi Specialty Certificate in Pediatric Dentistry.

The Program involves intensive clinical training in Pediatric Dentistry which includes providing primary and comprehensive dental care for pediatric patients from infant, child, and adolescents and for patients with special needs. In addition, it includes diagnosis and treatment of occlusal problems in the primary, mixed and young permanent dentition. The program will also include Pediatric Dentistry literature review and basic sciences.

Contact Us:

011-210-0000 Ext. 1300, 1301